Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Hi all just a quick one, cos I am paying for internet this time and Sara is NOT making this easy! We are in Portland and having a great time, We have managed to pick up a bit of work, today I cleaned a kitchen and tomorrow Dave is off to pick grapes!

Gotta go!



Anonymous said...

hey ther wilson fsmily, i just discovered your blog and its good to hear your having a nice time. r u looking for nursing work ingrid?? your pics of sara are cute. anyway thought'd i'd pop by and say im thinking of you and hope the holiday is a blast! love to you all love emma d xox

Anonymous said...

Glad you are having a great time and David is busy picking grapes Nana is off on her cruise tomorrow and we both send our love Jan & Nana

Anonymous said...

We are so glad you have this time away, and I am not surprised Ingrid and sara make so many friends ... they are a good team! Dave, you must be an awesome worker. I've written this in case your email is still plugged, and you think we don't write.
Love, Mum & Dad