Thursday, April 26, 2007
Leaving Tasmania
We have had an absolutely lovely Tasmanian time! However Ingrid is starting to feel a bit tired so we have decided it is time to start the homeward bound journey! We will be leaving on the boat from Devonport, next Wednesday, planning to make a few stops in Victoria before the end of this adventure!
At the moment we are in Waterloo and have enjoyed our time with Paul and Sam Verne and kids! Tomorrow we head for Queenstown.
Will update on our adventures with Andrew and Sue and time here in my next blog. We are all healthy and well and the pregnancy is going really well! Had a appointment this am, and the doctor was very happy with everything!
Love you. Miss you and look forward to seeing you all again soon!
Dave, Ingrid and Sara
Monday, April 16, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Hobart and beyond
We are all well and still having fun! We are really excited to be spending time with our friends Sue and Andrew and their gorgeous little boy Nathaniel! But before we get to that we might finish telling you about what we got up to in Hobart.
We stayed with the Thompson family for the first few days and then moved in with Chrystal for the last few days! Both were wonderful times!
All rugged up!
In summary of our activities, we had a look around at Mt Wellington, and did another lovely walk near their house, and basically enjoyed relaxing and celebrating Easter with them. We also spent a lovely morning exploring the Salamanca markets, did some Op shopping, enjoyed the yummy Cadbury factory tour and expanded our historical knowledge with a tour of the Penitentiary Chapel (a convict prison) a look around in one of the prison yards of the old female factory. We also had a lovely day trip to Huonville, where we saw a miniature village, some funky carved trees and an apple museum.
Sara enjoyed her first Easter eggs
Upon leaving Hobart we met up with Andrew, Sue & Nathaniel Ellis (Who have flown in from Adelaide to holiday with us for 9 days) in Sorell (just East of Hobart) and then travelled together up the east coast to Coles Bay, on the outskirts of the Freycinet National Park. This is where we are currently residing.
Since we have been here we have hiked to the famous Wineglass Bay (located in the Freycinet National Park) and been up to Douglas Aspley National Park and Bicheno, which were both beautiful places. For those interested in things mechanical, we have had some (flat) battery issues with the car. However, after discovering the fact that the interior light had been on we believe that we have resolved that issue. Tomorrow we will be heading over to Swansea for Church and to do some exploring.
Love David, Ingrid, Sara & Bubs
Monday, April 09, 2007
Happy Easter!
I hope you all had a wonderful Easter, as we remembered the sacrifice of our blameless Lord so that we could be saved! We enjoyed reflecting and celebrating this with the Thompsons!
So now I will try to provide a few more details about what we have been doing!
DEVONPORT (March 17-20): We spent most of our time in Devonport relaxing/recovering, doing housekeeping type things, like buying Sara some new shoes (she had grown out of the ones we took with us) and some other things like that, and researching our what to do at the information place. On the Sunday we attended a nice Church of Christ, and we also took in a lovely drive of the general area!
MOLE CREEK (March 20-23): WE used this lovely spot as a base to do a few day tours of things in the area. At Cradle Mountain we did the Dove Lake walk which was so diverse and beautiful and of course took in the lovely views of the mount.
We also checked out the Marakoopa caves, which were fantastic! But this excursion also turned out to be a major highlight as we were able to witness a platypus playing in the creek nearby in the middle of the day! It was so special to see this in the wild!
We also did a walk at Alum Cliffs (very pretty), visited a Honey farm, Cheese Factory and Raspberry farm (All VERY yummy!). Sara loved the cheese so much that she has even learned to say the word!
We also noted that in this area they appear to have major problems with European wasps - they are EVERYWHERE, particularly seeming to be attracted to the bugs on the grill at the front of the car when we park, but have not really bothered us!

WESTBURRY (March 23-27): David and her would go to pet and feed them grass. From here we took a gorgeous Here we stayed at 'Andy's Bakehouse Cafe' a neat place which only cost $2 a night, although the facilities were very basic. The cafe was open 24hrs and served the BEST ice cream ever! Sara loved the horses (or Naaaayyyyyss!') that lived in the paddock behind where we were set up, and every morning David and here would walk around to pet and feed them grass.
One day trip from here, was a scenic drive up the Tamar River's Western side and had a delicious and very generous meal at Beauty Point. (NB. this is near Beaconsfield).
We also went to Burnie and met up with David's Nana (who was stopping there for the day on the cruise ship she was travelling on) which was a really great day! It was so lovely to catch up with her and we had a lovely lunch together! On the way home we stopped to see the beautiful murals that adorn the town of Shefield.
We also had a very sad day when visiting Liffey Falls, as Sara slipped and cut her lip badly requiring 2 stitches! She was very brave and you will be happy to hear that it has healed up beautifully!
LAUNCESTON (March 27-31): Here we had a lovely time in City Park (they have a monkey enclousure in the park - so cool!) and shopping in town, and Dave took in the Boag's brewery. We spent a nice day exploring the Tamar Valley further, including a Strawberry Farm, Batman's Bridge, Platypus House and Seahorse World. All of these were great! and some time just relaxing at camp was great too, after we worked out that it was NOT Good Friday yet. The Hot Cross Buns were yummy anyway!
ST. HELENS (March 31-April 5): We stayed in a recreation park called Moulten Bay. We attended the combined service for Palm Sunday of all the local churches on the foreshore. This was very nice. In St. Helen's we particularly enjoyed campfires (thanks Mum and Dad for the jaffal irons!) and a meal shared with our neighbours on one evening. We mainly relaxed and took it easy here although we did go up to the Bay of Fires on one day and also went fossiking a Moorina (we may even have found some very tiny sapphires!), took in a couple of Rain forest walks and another Cheese Factory. On our way to Hobart we had the most amazing pancakes at Elephant Pass!
Bay of Fires
Sara helping Dad out with the dishes
So that brings us to where we are, but I have spent enough time for now and will tell you about that later!
Dave, Ingrid and Sara XOXO
Friday, April 06, 2007
Sorry about the long silence! We have been in Tasmania for about 3 weeks now, but have had issues with, a) finding time to blog, b) finding affordable internet, and c) finding internet that will allow us to blog. But here we are and I can finally update you all!
I feel a little daunted by all that I would like to share with you, so I will attempt to do it over a few blogs. Today is just the overview!
At the moment we are in Hobart enjoying to lovely hospitality of the Thompson family! It has been great to catch up with Chrystal in particular!
In brief (get a map if you have one) we arrived in Devonport on the boat and have toured our way via Mole Creek and Westbury to Launceston. Then over to the east to St Helens and eventually down to Hobart yesterday.
We think that Tasmania is amazing and very beautiful (but too cold at night) and have had many great experiences and adventures that I will tell you about later. We have seen lots of gorgeous things and views, abundant wildlife and meet interesting people!
We are looking forward to catching up with Sue, Andrew and Nathaniel Ellis soon, as they are coming over to spend a few weeks with us here! Yay!
Sorry for this brief , concise update but it is all I can manage right now!
Ingrid (Dave and Sara send thier love too!)