Friday, April 06, 2007


Hi everyone,

Sorry about the long silence! We have been in Tasmania for about 3 weeks now, but have had issues with, a) finding time to blog, b) finding affordable internet, and c) finding internet that will allow us to blog. But here we are and I can finally update you all!

I feel a little daunted by all that I would like to share with you, so I will attempt to do it over a few blogs. Today is just the overview!

At the moment we are in Hobart enjoying to lovely hospitality of the Thompson family! It has been great to catch up with Chrystal in particular!

In brief (get a map if you have one) we arrived in Devonport on the boat and have toured our way via Mole Creek and Westbury to Launceston. Then over to the east to St Helens and eventually down to Hobart yesterday.

We think that Tasmania is amazing and very beautiful (but too cold at night) and have had many great experiences and adventures that I will tell you about later. We have seen lots of gorgeous things and views, abundant wildlife and meet interesting people!

We are looking forward to catching up with Sue, Andrew and Nathaniel Ellis soon, as they are coming over to spend a few weeks with us here! Yay!

Sorry for this brief , concise update but it is all I can manage right now!

Ingrid (Dave and Sara send thier love too!)

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