Monday, November 06, 2006


This Blog is mainly for James! So it is monday and not much trip related to report, but I thought I would! Tata!


Anonymous said...

Haha, in that case I should probably comment!

Well, I'm up late (as you can see by the time-posted flag), but I think I will be ready for tomorrow's (today now) Computer Systems Exam, and that will put the closer on this weeks exams. Thankfully. I'll be a very happy chappy (assuming I do alright) in 15 hours time!

Clarence said...

Hey Ingrid,

Have been missing you too. Wish you could've come along. We'd have had fun. The apartment we are staying in is nice, and it's right in the city centre. I hope Harriet is behaving herself. You know after you took her it was quite strange at home without her.

Yeah, Jo's sorta half better. She still seems to have a little cold, but it hasn't affected her appetite, that's for sure.

Hopefully we can catch up during the week when we're at home.

Love Clarence

Anonymous said...

Hey Ingrid (the Wilson family), i finally remembered to come have a look - love it! i look forward to the chance to journey with you when you travel next year. love the photo of Sara, too! ali xoxo