Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nearly Ready

Well, things are really underway now! We have the vehicle that will take us to our destinations!

See our lovely white Subaru Outback (complete with a cool spot to put our sunnies!)
And further more we now have something to pull along behind it in our hot possesion!

I will take a picture of it up tomorrow and put it on here when I can!

An ultra sound is booked in Mt Gambier, the house sitting type people are almost organised and we plan to depart the middle of next week!

Talk to you again soon!
David Ingrid and Sara


Anonymous said...

Oooh! Can we come wave goodbye as you drive off on your big holiday? Hope things aren't too crazy for you guys at the moment. Love you lots,

Anonymous said...

Hellos. Gorgeous photo of Sara! Hope the trip is going well and enjoy the ultrasound. Post a photo!
Love you lots, John, Naomi and David.